A woman teaches a group of children how to do yoga.
A woman teaches a group of children how to do yoga.


Health & Wellness Education

BB&N’s health and wellness program extends a holistic, comprehensive model throughout grades B-12 to support our students in joyful lives and prepare them for global citizenship. The curriculum, informed by national and state standards, is a critical wellness framework that promotes developmental health literacy through every age and stage. Led by three professionally trained health educators, classes have students engage with diverse perspectives through dialogue, action, and reflection to develop an understanding of health as extending from self to others and the world. Lessons foster curiosity and invite students to think critically about information, influences, and intersectionality.

Our responsive, developmental approach, aligned with BB&N’s core values, weaves a collaborative, integrated effort in partnership with Counseling, DEIG, Science, Technology, and other various academic departments. The following national standards and frameworks inform the Health Curriculum Scope and Sequence:

Please follow this link to read more about Lower School Health, opting out, and FAQs. Health and Wellness classes are embedded in the seventh and eighth-grade classroom experience and are a graduation requirement at the upper school level.