nac basketball court.
nac basketball court.


Fields & Facilities

Nicholas Athletic Center (NAC)

56 Gerry’s Landing Road
Cambridge, MA 02138

The NAC is the home facility for basketball, hockey, volleyball, wrestling, and tennis programs.

Franke Field

80 Gerry’s Landing Road
Cambridge, MA 02138

Franke Field is the home field to soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse.

student athlete pitching at nichols field.

Nichols Field

80 Gerry’s Landing Road
Cambridge, MA 02138

Nichols Field is the home field to baseball.

football game at grove street athletic complex.

Grove Street Athletic Campus

183 Grove Street
Watertown, MA 02472

The newly opened Grove Street Athletic Center is home to soccer, field hockey, football, lacrosse, and softball.

BB&N Boathouse

BB&N Boathouse

2​ ​Gerry’s​ ​Landing​ ​Road
Cambridge​, ​MA ​02138

The BB&N Boathouse is home to the crew program and is in the heart of the world-famous Head of the Charles Regatta course.

runner at fresh pond.

Fresh Pond Reservoir

250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02138

Fresh Pond Reservoir is home course to cross country.

sailboats off of charlestown.

Community Boating

21 David G Mugar Way
Boston, MA 02114

Located on the Charles River Basin, Community Boating is the picturesque home for BB&N Sailing.


100 Holton Street
Boston, MA 02135

BB&N Fencing competes at Boston Fencing Club, the oldest fencing club in the country.