children playing basketball.


Grades B-5 Physical Education

A child wearing a panda shirt, purple tutu, and boots runs indoors, smiling and looking to the side.

Building a Foundation for WEllness

Wellness Program

Through a balanced, developmentally appropriate curriculum informed by national standards, the Lower School Physical Education program nurtures the whole child by teaching the social, emotional, and physical skills and competencies necessary to enhance health and foster a habit of joyful movement through participation in physical activities and sports. In a safe, supportive, fun environment, children are motivated to discover their unique preferences and potential while developing a sense of responsibility, respect, and perseverance. Progressively, children learn the elements of teamwork and sportsmanship.

children playing soccer.

Play, Learn, Thrive


In Beginners through Grade Five, students develop physical literacy as they progress from fundamental locomotor and non-locomotor movements and play to more complex actions, patterns, exercise, and sport-specific techniques. The B-5 Physical Education Program introduces healthy competition as preparation to participate in the sports program at the Middle School level in grades 6-8. Students learn to connect mind and body at every level and develop greater awareness of self and others.

children dancing.
children in fitness class.