John Newbery Medal Winner Visits Sparks Street
Initially published in 2021, “Too Bright to See” centers its story on Bug, a transgender boy who lives in a haunted house, and the message a ghost is trying to get him to understand. Centered around friendship, self-discovery, and grief, the author-led discussion engaged students in important conversations around gender identity and compassion.
Initially published in 2021, “Too Bright to See” centers its story on Bug, a transgender boy who lives in a haunted house, and the message a ghost is trying to get him to understand. Centered around friendship, self-discovery, and grief, the novel earned recognition for its significant contribution to children’s stories. In addition to this honor, the book was a finalist for the National Book Award and a recipient of the Stonewall Book Award.
Following the ‘lunch and learn,’ Lukoff signed copies of books and answered student questions. Thank you to librarian Christina Dominique-Pierre and DEIG practitioner Tiffany Rice for organizing this event.